Kiri-Ana Libbesson


Tia Kia.jpg

"Kia" has been my mum's nickname for me since I was a child, and "tía" is the Spanish word for Aunty (which I proudly became in 2015).

Originally from Sydney, Australia, I have travelled in over 60 countries across six continents, and have lived in 5 of those countries. I am always striving to learn from, appreciate, and contribute to the wonderful world in which we live. 

Travelling extensively through and living in many parts of the world has enriched me with incredible experiences; exposing me to a variety of amazing cultures, landscapes, and people. It has led to great personal growth and change, and has helped shape my world view and broadened my understanding of the global context in which we live. Such experiences and life lessons are not only for travelling - they extend to being more aware even in my home country, Australia. 

In my other life, I am also a lawyer in the NFP, social enterprise and community sectors, and have recently founded Ethical Law. The switch from the private, law firm industry to the hugely important social sectors has been largely influenced by my experiences and learnings from my world travels.

This website is a space for sharing my experiences, thoughts, and visual expressions.

I hope this collection inspires you to explore new places, as well as to be aware of and learn from the world, helping to make it a better place.

I am also excited to announce that you can now purchase cards, prints and framed prints of my photography here!

Feel free to leave a comment and/or follow me on social media (links at the top of the page).


Countries I've lived in and visited